Saturday, March 13, 2010
2:00 p.m.
New Covenant Fellowship
5050 Pinson Valley Parkway
Birmingham, AL 35215
Miss, Teen, Junior, and Petite contestants are required to compete in Interview Competition. Interviews will begin at 9:00 a.m. Little and Tiny Miss interviews (Optional Interview contestants only) to be conducted after all other contestants have completed the interview portion of the competition.
Walk will be walk of choice with an optional rehearsal/practice on Friday, March 12, 2010 from 4:00-6:00pm
Age Divisions:
Baby Miss (Age 0-23 months)
Teeny Miss (Age 2 - 3)
Tiny Miss (Age 4 - 5)
Little Miss (Age 6 - 8)
Petite Miss (Age 9 - 10)
Junior Miss (Age 11 - 13)
Teen Miss (Age 14 - 16)
Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands (Age 17 - 23)
***Contestant’s age category is determined by contestant’s age as of June 1, 2010
Entry Fee $85.00 for Tiny – Miss
Entry Fee $55.00 for Baby-Teeny Miss
(Winner of the Baby-Teeny Miss categories will not advance to the state pageant)
** Sibling Discount – 1st Child Full Price, 2nd Child – ½ Price, and 3rd Child – Free**
All contestants who complete application & pay entry fees by
December 31, 2009
will receive a $10.00 discount off entry fees
and a Free “ Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands” monogrammed tote bag on stage at crowning.
Deadline to enter pageant is
February 28th, 2010at 5:00pm CST .
Miss, Teen, Junior, and Petite Contestants will be required to compete in Interview.
Tiny through Miss Contestants will have an on-stage question
*Optional Interview (Tiny and Little Divisions) - $10.00 - Contestants MUST Pre-Register.
Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageants
Kim Mitchell, Director
P. O Box 2125
Birmingham, AL 35201
(205) 789-6712
e-mail: website:
Age Division: Contestant #:_________________
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Yes ___ or No ____ (Check One) If yes, Date Received in Office_______
(For Office Use Only)
Optional Interview: Yes __ or No ___ (check one)
Additional Photographs: Yes __ or No ____ (check one)If Yes, # of photographs sent in ___ Amount Paid ______
Contestant Information:
(Type or Print Neatly)
Full Name: _______________________________________________________
Name you prefer to be called: _______________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________________________________
Age (as of June 1, 2010 ): ___________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________
School: __________________________________________________________
Hobbies: _________________________________________________________
3 Things I Dislike: _________________________________________________
3 Things I Love: ___________________________________________________
What I would like the judges to know about me: ___________________________________________________
I, give my permission for my child ,___________________ to be in the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageant in the ___________________ Age group. I understand that the pageant committee, pageant director, the staff of New Covenant Fellowship, or anyone associated with the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageant will not be held responsible for any losses or injuries incurred before, during, or after the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageant. If named a winner I/We agree to compete at the 2010 Miss Alabama Woodlands Scholarship Program or I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL RELINQUISH MY TITLE, CROWN AND BANNER!!
________________________ _________________________
Contestant Signature Parent Signature
_________________________ _________________________
Phone #: E-Mail Address
Mail Entry Form, Entry fee ($85 or $55) and optional Interview Fee ($10.00) to:
Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageant
P.O. Box 2125
Birmingham, AL 35201
Please make all checks payable to:
Kim Mitchell c/o Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Pageant
Director: Kim Mitchell
Email us at
If interested in paying fees online, please call for Pay Pal instructions.
Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scoring Information
Baby and Teeny
- Facial Beauty (1-40)
- Dress (1-15)
- Photogenic (1-5)
- Personality (1-40)
Tiny and Little
- Stage presence (1-50)
- Dress (1-10)
- Photogenic (1-15)
- On-stage question (1-25)
Petite, Junior and Teen
- Interview (1-40)
- Stage presence (1-20)
- Evening gown (1-10)
- Photogenic (1-15)
- On-stage question (1-15)
- Interview (1-40)
- Stage presence (1-20)
- Evening gown (1-10)
- On-stage question (1-15)
- Portfolio (1-15) – Photograph and Bio should be placed in clear protective sheet with Photo on Front and Bio on back.
*All Tiny-Miss Age Category Winners will have all entry fees paid to the State pageant and will represent Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands at the Miss Alabama Woodlands Scholarship Program to be held on Saturday, June 10, 2010 . All winners are expected to compete at the state level. If a winner can not or chooses not to participate in the state program, then she will relinquish her title to the runner up who will then be eligible to compete. Awards at the state level are as follows: Miss- $3000 cash tuition scholarship; Teen- $1000 cash tuition scholarship; All others- Savings Bonds.
Tentative interview times are as follows:
Miss 9:00 - 9:30a.m.
Teen 9:30 - 10:00a.m.
Junior 10:00 - 10:30a.m.
Petite 10:30 – 11:00a.m.
Little 11:00 - 11:30a.m.
Tiny 11:30 – 12:00 Noon
Break for lunch ( 12:00 Noon – 2:00p.m. )
Pageant begins at 2:00p.m.
Rules and Regulations:
1. All contestants agree that the contestant’s competition category will be determined by their age as of June 1, 2010 . Queens must compete at the State pageant based on their preliminary Title and their age of June 1, 2010 .
2. All contestants and queens may be photographed and posted to website. Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands has the right to use pictures taken during pageant or at any events.
3. Contestants cannot be married, have been married, pregnant, or have a child.
4. Contestants will receive fees paid to state pageant. All other fees (ads, hotel expenses, meals, other travel expenses, etc.) are the responsibility of the contestant/parent.
5. Queens must arrive on time and dressed appropriately at all functions.
6. Notify director if not able to attend events as planned. All events are posted to website and it is the responsibility of the contestant/parent to check calendar.
7. Queens are expected to be gracious, friendly, and willing to meet/greet everyone with a smile at
all events. Please remember, you are an ambassador for the Scholarship Program. Your actions
should reflect positively on the program and all involved in this system at all times.
8. Queens will be expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. Smoking, drinking, use of profanity, and all other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated!!!
9. Prizes: Crown, Monogrammed Banner, Silver Tray, aMonogrammed parade blanket
10. Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Queens must compete at the Alabama Woodlands State Pageant or must relinquish her title/crown/gifts.
11. All queens may continue to compete in other pageants. There are NO contractual obligations to Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scholarship Program. In the event Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands is crowned Miss Alabama Woodlands, all titles must be relinquished to fulfill obligation to Miss Alabama Woodlands.
We, __________________________________ and ___________________________________ , as contestant participating in the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scholarship Pageant and parent of the contestant participating in the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scholarship Pageant, have read and fully understand the Rules and Regulations referenced above for the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scholarship Pageant. By signing this agreement, both contestant and parent of contestant agree to abide by and follow the Rules and Regulations set forth by the Miss Cahaba Valley Woodlands Scholarship Pageant & Pageant Director, Kim Mitchell. A copy of the Rules and Regulations will be included in each contestant’s Welcome Packet, which will be given to each contestant upon check-in the day of the pageant.
_________________________________________________ _______________________
Contestant’s Printed Name / Signature Date Signed
_________________________________________________ _______________________
Parent of Contestant’s Printed Name/ Signature Date Signed